** KBarnes **

Strong willed, stubborn, ghetto, yet fab-u-lous. Dreams, ambition, the top, my one wish. Rap, music, the radio, and industry too. That dream boy, My City, all I want is you. The life, the times, everything in your grasp. The answers to questions, go ahead and ask.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Good Morning...

Just got up and out of the shower. I love getting up early and getting the day started. Currently my sleeping schedule is kind of messed up though. I'm on this kick where I go to bed at around 1 or 2 am and wake up promptly at 6am, then I have another burst of sleep from about noon to 3pm. It's definitely beginning to mess with my mind. I keep thinking days are passing by quickly, but they're not. It's rather interesting. Like I could have swore that yesterday was Wednesday, but by looking at my calendar here...I'd say I was wrong.

Today seems like it will be a somewhat uninteresting day. It fits perfectly in the dull lull of life that has currently laid itself in my path. I've got an 8am class. Then I'll go and enjoy a nice breakfast. Then practice for the talent show. Follow that up with a quick nap. Get up and go work out like an insane fat kid. Then find something to do to keep me out of trouble. Then go back to sleep. Maybe something will happen that takes care of this "mundane-ness" striking with awful vengence on my life and if it doesn't, I suppose I'll survive because I've only got a few more weeks of this.

Oh my goodness. Yesterday we got our Psychology Exams back. Well, I won't lie, while I did study, I didn't study very hard and it was more of a quick review of the material. I came out with an 88. A friend of mine, who studied like crazy busted out with a 76 and was ever so slightly bitter about the situation. See, the thing is, while I didn't study hard, most of the material strikes me as common sense. For some reason that psychology mess just clicks. I sat through the test, freaking out because I didn't know "for sure" answers, then sat there and selected the logical answer. Maybe I didn't deserve that grade, but I'm not a flaming idiot and I do comprehend the material very well, even if I act like a total goof-off in that class. Too bad high B's don't come that easy in my other classes.

Guess that's it.


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