** KBarnes **

Strong willed, stubborn, ghetto, yet fab-u-lous. Dreams, ambition, the top, my one wish. Rap, music, the radio, and industry too. That dream boy, My City, all I want is you. The life, the times, everything in your grasp. The answers to questions, go ahead and ask.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Persistence Pays...

:: Yes it Does ::
So I pestered the hell out of that photographer. Hahaha. I would make a damn good agent. He's meeting with me tomorrow as long as the Hawian Tropic Calendar girls cancel. And they probably will. I love you Rita. (That was so shallow, I take it back, but it's already been typed and can't be deleted.) Continuing on. I'm very excited about it all. Mwhahahahaha. I can't quit laughing. It's odd. I'm all giddy. I'm being stupid. *Regains Control* -- I think I'll post about this tomorrow when it's all said and done. Until then, you shall be wrapped in utter suspense. ;)


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