** KBarnes **

Strong willed, stubborn, ghetto, yet fab-u-lous. Dreams, ambition, the top, my one wish. Rap, music, the radio, and industry too. That dream boy, My City, all I want is you. The life, the times, everything in your grasp. The answers to questions, go ahead and ask.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Back Again...

Man. I absolutley suck at this staying updated mess. Oh well, some updates are better then a year with nothing right? Right.

Things have been going remarkably well. I finally got a new cell phone. I'm still kickin' it in Abilene. I'm going to Arlington tomorrow to be advised and sign up for classes. I've got friends crawling out of the wood work. I love it. I've got this feeling looming within that tells me everything is going to be alright and my dreams are going to come true. It just takes time. You don't blow up over night...So I'm patiently waiting, patiently praying and let me tell you...I'm seeing results.

This post is kind of random I know. It's just, I've been so happy as of late I have trouble focusing like a should. I can't stay on one topic because each happy end leads to another and so there never really is an end. Wow. I'm not sure that made sense. In fact, the only bad thing right now is my addiction to cigarettes. But I bought lights today and I'm hoping to kick that habit for good. I don't want to be all wrinkly...nor do I like their foul odor. Though while smoking them, I am rather content. -- I found out today at the gym the toll they've been taking on my lungs. Unfortunately I've been demoted from 30 minutes of vigorious cardio to 15 minutes. Yeah, it was pretty bad this morning. I had trouble breathing before I even broke a sweat. Absolutely pathetic. So I'm cutting them O-U-T of my life. Health happens to be getting a promotion these days.

12 pounds strong. That's what I am kids. I've lost and kept off 12 solid pounds. Granted there is a slew more to lose, 12 is a good start. The ultimate goal is like 45 pounds. I won't say what that would take me down to, because I know some people actually can do math. But, for the record no one has ever guessed my weight accurately. They're generally about 30 pounds less then the actual weight. Which is nice, I suppose. I'm just straight THICK. Dense bones with sizeable muscle mass. It's all 100%-all natural Thick Girl Syndrome. Absolutely hot. Hahahaha.

Friends. Oh my gosh. My friends are undoubtedly the best. I love each and every one of you. Whether you know it or not. You know if you're my friend, so I hope you know I love you with every little ounce of my heart! I kid you not, my friends are undoubtedly in the "Top Three Greats of My Life" category.

Well, I've got to go to work at my internship. More later. Things are great.


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