** KBarnes **

Strong willed, stubborn, ghetto, yet fab-u-lous. Dreams, ambition, the top, my one wish. Rap, music, the radio, and industry too. That dream boy, My City, all I want is you. The life, the times, everything in your grasp. The answers to questions, go ahead and ask.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Welcome Back...

Wow, how time flies.
It has been quite some time since I last posted and, boy howdy, do I have a lot for you. Haha. I guess I'll just re-introduce myself, cover some quick basics, and we'll have a great new beginning to yet another season of posts.

:: Me - A Quick ReCap and Re-introduction ::
Maybe you know me personally and maybe you don't. For those who actually know me this is all stuff you should have down and for those of you who don't it's like a KBarnes 101 Seminar. So here goes, I'm just going to roll with it. :: My name is Kandy. Some kids call me K-Barnes, K for Kandy and Barnes is my last name. (It took some real geniuses to put that one together. ;) Anyway, I currently live in Abilene, Texas. In August I'm transferring up to UTA. For those who have no idea that is the University of Texas at Arlington. I'm about 5"9', sometimes I think it's more like 5"10' or 6"2'. (Depending of my choice of footwear) Haha. I have a nice thick frame about me, the kind of girl that probably should have been on the defensive line of the football team back in High School. Hahaha. I've come to believe that I probably have Russian somewhere in my blood. It's about the only explination for my "Hoss-i-ness."
-- Other then that I've got blonde hair, blue eyes, and a rather unique personality. -- I've also decided that I am a "Guy's-Girl." What exactly is that? Well, I'm the type of girl who would most definitely rather chill with the boys and listen to their problems then be exposed to the "girl-made drama" and gossip girls like to talk about. I don't like getting caught up in drama and I don't like making my own. It's much easier to be the girl looking in, and I like things that way. I'm also about the only girl I know who can keep her mouth shut about everything and anything. I never understood why I would tell my best friend something and then have it suddenly exposed. Overtime I realized your best friend is always best friends with someone else and suddenly when all the best friends get together, everyone knows. It's a sick and vicious cycle I would rather not be a part of. Plus, I've learned that having secrets and keeping them for people gives you a sense of mystery and intrigue. And on top of that, keeping one secret always leaves room for more, and so you're always full of fun and interesting knowledge. Haha. And if you haven't already noticed, I'm rather random.
I'm 19 years old and can still be known to act like a kid. I enjoy smoking cheap cigars (ie: Black-n-Milds, Swishers...) and fine cigarettes (Djarum Blacks). Though I do plan on kicking the cigarettes, I'll probably still enjoy the occasional cigar. I used to enjoy alcohol, but after a recent "incident" I don't really feel the need for it anymore. Public Intoxication of a minor won't look good on a resume...That, I am sure of. Moving on.
I have some of the best friends ever. I love being connected with people on different levels. Some of us are really close, some of us just started being really close, and others have been there for the long run. To my friends: I love each and every one of you with all my heart and couldn't ask for anyone better in my life. Wow, that was heart touching. Most definitely, Straight from the heart.
Hmm....What else? I want to pursue a career in Radio. My dream is to be a radio personality up in Dallas on one of the Hip-Hop stations. I absolutely love rap. Southern rap being at the top, then Texas Rap, and then all the underground stuff. Mainstream rap is good too. Actually when it comes down to it, I just love the music. I'll listen to anything once and if I like it, we'll play it again. Haha. I think that's enough for now, if you have more questions and all that jazz, email me or IM me. Thanks.

:: My Life ::
So after the long "re-introduction" I suppose it is time to get down to the nitty-gritty of my life. I came out of my Freshman year at Angelo State with an overall GPA of 2.7. Yeah, I really slacked off that second semester. One of my credits won't even transfer to UTA, thus I'll be retaking History 1302. Joy. -
I lost and regained college friends off and on all year, but have now successfully pushed them from my life. They were the kind of friends I didn't want. -
Now I'm just living the summer in Abilene working a full time Temp Job. Trying to get money put away for this coming Fall. I was accepted to UTA and will be moving down there August 19th. I plan on living the first semester in the dorms and hopefully by the Spring semester I can have a nice little apartment to myself. I don't really want to return to Abilene this coming Summer. Obviously I'll have to work my ass off to get it done, but I know I can do it. I've got some crazy faith in myself and the Lord. -
As of late things have been going WONDERFULLY! I've finally figured out who my real friends are and have been making leaps and bounds in keeping them in my life. I'm friends with people from high school that I would have never dreamed of being this close to and I like it. -
I've lost 10 pounds since the summer began and I'm STILL dropping. I suppose my gym membership is helping out a lot. I get up before work most every morning and do a 30 minute cardio stint and then some weight training. I am by no means trying to get buff, but I'd most definitely like to be a smidge slimmer. It's all about self improvement and pushing my limits. Plus, I sure have been feeling a lot more energetic and happy lately. Not that I've ever been much of a downer, but even the most happy of people still need their boosts. -
My parents and I are getting along well. They still wish I wouldn't go to the big city, but I refuse to live my life here. I want to break the chain and get out in the world. Abilene is not my city of choice and I have so much of everything bottled up in me, that I would never succeed here. I need to be among the sky scrapers and dirty side walks. In fact, I like to compare myself to a sky scraper. I mean, right now I'm only laying down the cement of the foundation, but shortly I'll begin to put my steel frame together, I've just got to figure out how high I want to go. I suppose the sky is the limit, but right now a good 20 stories would be nice. -
I turned 19 June 15th. The night afterwards was intense. Let's just say I spent some time in the pokey, that changed my life. I never want to be what I was that night and it took that experience to open my eyes. I'm done with alcohol. For Good. I'm so much older now then I was a few months ago, sometimes it scares me. Not physically of course, but mentally I've grown immeasurable fathoms.
Other then that not much is going on. I suppose I'll post again soon. I don't want to leave this alone for months at a time again. I always feel much better when I post, just to get things off my chest. It's wonderful. I'll be back again real soon. Until then, email me or IM me.

AIM: xxSweetWinexx

Much Love.


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