** KBarnes **

Strong willed, stubborn, ghetto, yet fab-u-lous. Dreams, ambition, the top, my one wish. Rap, music, the radio, and industry too. That dream boy, My City, all I want is you. The life, the times, everything in your grasp. The answers to questions, go ahead and ask.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I find it funny.

That the one person on this earth.
That I love more then life itself.
Could also be the one person on this earth.
That is hurting me more then anyone else.
Kind of.
How is it, that he's always supposed to be truthful with me...
Yet, his truths either hurt me, or I find myself wondering if they might be twisted.
It's funny how I read in a message that one girl wanted him to come back over so that his smell would be back on her sheets.
I find it funny that he told me he doesn't find her at all attractive.
Nor would he want to get physical with her in anyway.
That she is, and I quote, "Not the most attractive girl. She just has personality going for her."
But then a few nights later...I get him so turned on he won't turn down any physical contact.
I find it also funny that he doesn't mind if she comes over and spends that night and talks a little bit of shit about me.
And then the next night...I can crawl into his bed and have him completely.
It's kind of funny.
I think I am better then that.
I think I am way better then that.
And with this information...
My body is now a temple.
Oh...Oh how I will tempt you.
But you will never cross that.
I will be the temptation you so desire...but can't get through to.
I won't tell you the goings on in my life.
I won't let your name fall from my mouth.
But I will let a few simple strokes of the hand.
A few innocent touches.
And a coy smile cross your path.
And you will advance...as you always do.
But the path will end.
You are officially cut off.
And it royally sucks to be you.
You will fuck her.
And she will fall for you just as I did.
And then she can be crazy.
And she can be foolish.
And by then...I shall be so far away from you.
I shall be so over "us."
That you'll wish you had one more chance at me.
You will have lost.
Though you'll never admit it.
You will look at pictures of us and wonder what you could have done.
What could you have done to fix us.
To be with me again.
You will wonder.
And you will hate it.
And I.
Will have won.

Foolish boys.
I conquer all.



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