** KBarnes **

Strong willed, stubborn, ghetto, yet fab-u-lous. Dreams, ambition, the top, my one wish. Rap, music, the radio, and industry too. That dream boy, My City, all I want is you. The life, the times, everything in your grasp. The answers to questions, go ahead and ask.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Well, I frankly don't know.

Um. Yeah.
I am so confused right now.
It's insane.
I wonder about the thought process.
The one affecting us both.
What the hell is going on?
But to clear up some things...

:: Moving In? ::
Negative. Your happiness is way more important then my own. I have no desire to move in with you again. Well, I wouldn't say "no desire" but, the one that is there is subdued by the fact that you wouldn't be happy if I was there. Not at all. So...
Do I want to move in again with you?
Am I trying to move in again?
:: No Siz-ex ::
A very smart move. It's letting me get unattached to you. Quickly. Plus it proves how strong and resiliant I can actually be. Would I love to have that kind of fun again? Um, Yes. But will I while we're not in a relationship? No. It's more important to me that we're together then it is to have that connection. That should tell you something.
:: Am I dumb? ::
Nope. I've been over this before. I am a lot smarter then you'll ever give me credit for, and I understand that. You never really had a chance to see the smart side of Kandy Barnes. All you ever got was the smitten one. That sucks for you. Because, I'm actually highly intelligent. Not always, but for the most part. :)
:: Am I crazy? ::
Probably. Shit, it runs in my family. But does that affect me? No, not too bad. I'm actually relatively sane. We're just running on two different emotional levels. Yes.

In other news.
:: Career ::
Interview on Monday. Oh, I am STOKED. I'm going to go in and own them with my personality and craft. It's going to be intense. -- And if it doesn't work out here, I've got 3 more places to apply to for the week. This should be productive. :) Very, productive.
:: Cigarettes ::
No longer own me. I quit. Fo Good. Because I respect my body. My lungs. And it's just nasty. Which I knew all along. But nicotene had me FEIGNING! And stress had me lighting them up. And boredom. But, nowI don't have time for boredom. Gosh, that makes me happy.
:: Hot or Not ::
I enrolled in a dating service. Woooo. This should be fun! Haha, and just further proves that I am crazy. BLAH! Still on the look out for the man of my dreams. And that's promising :)

That is all.


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